Latest T3 Bootcamp


Traveling in the name of Roller Derby is Triple Threat Derby Girls middle name! Last Friday eve Sum Mo Payne, Camel Joe (not a girl, he is a man) and PBR headed east to spread their derby knowledge for those eager to listen. Grand Falls Holiday Inn was the initial destination which was reached at 2:00 am Saturday. With an alarm clock buzzing off right around the corner, T3 hit the hay and gathered their excitement for the coming hours.



The venue was in Sterling, IL which was only a short jaunt away. The boot camp host, Midwest Derby Divas, had recently scored this practice facility and was it a spectacular site to see.  Every new venue, practice space, or plot of concrete that can be skated on is a new adventure! Each holds their own beauty, history, and potential for growth within. This venue had some roller skating heritage so I am told and actually use to be a Bearing factory for roller skates back in the day which made its historical essence even cooler.



Each boot camp we coach all start with the same skeleton guidelines. Until you see how the skaters roll, it is impossible to judge what levels will be showcased day of boot camp thus we take it back a step to start off just to see where everyone resides on their level of skills thus far. Impressed we were as everyone attending was 100% responsive to suggestions, open minded to a different style of techniques and eager to hear more (Most commonly, we skaters think we know everything hahaha.) This is what Roller Derby is all about, I was reminded. As I share at every chance I get, that Roller Derby is about the basics. To be the best Derby player you can be you must master, re master and continue to master every single fundamental bit that Roller Derby skating encompasses. These ladies understood that and I was thankful we were on the same page.



We bumped things up a bit with technique, more challenging maneuvers, and more intense demands of skill set. The ladies met the challenge with smiles on their faces and fire in their souls. As in anything, some folks snagged up what we were laying down simply and others were met with a momentary barrier in achievement however with a little elbow grease many of them walked out victorious in accomplishment of pushing their boundaries. And that’s just it: YOU MUST ALWAYS PUSH YOUR BOUNDARIES AND SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS.



More times than I wish, I see frustration in a skaters eyes crying out “Why can’t I do this?! They can… You can… Why not me?”  Rule #1: Compare yourself to no one and go at your own rate. Rule #2: Only Rule #1 Matters.  If only we all could be reminded more often how we once were in those same skates, feeling the same way. Fortunately, I am honored to be able to be reminded and shed light of the knowledge I have gained personally from “then” to “now” and how to achieve it. So, frustrated skater and I break things down a bit…. And I’ll be… They get it! I’ve seen it time and time again… First frustration and then success. You know what causes that? Determination from within and the belief that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. “Yes you’ll fall… but you’ll get up” is what I always tell them. Saturday I witnessed many individuals rise above their shells and gain a new sense of pride it what they are doing, glow in the achievements (whatever size they may be) they accomplished and roll to a new beat of determination…. In T3 land we call that a success!



Thank you to Midwest Derby Divas for being AMAZING hosts as always! You ladies are absolutely a joy to be around, especially when the locals give you the deep end of the pool all to yourself. Big Thanks to all the ladies who traveled on their GAME DAY  to attend from the Aurora 88’s, Barbwire Betties, DRDC, Peoria Push and Rockford Rage. It was an honor to have you all. Last but not least we send light & love to Kerri Baker for a speedy recovery also, you are one tough cookie. Heal up quick ❤




Next Stop: Grand Folks, ND April 27th… ROLLER DERBY FOR LIFE!


-Living The Dream-

Libby “P.B.R.” Claeys, T3

T3 Bootcamp

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